Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some understandings of ferroelectricity

Some conceptional paradox with ferroelectricity (FE).

Figure 1

1) As shown in Fig. 1, there is a one-dimensional system that consists equally N anions with charge -q and N cations with charge +q, separated by distance a. This system definitely has spontaneous permanent dipole moment p=Nqa, but why it is not FE?

Note that normally FE is defined for bulk (infinite) system, in which case not so many systems have FE. However, for a finite non-metallic system, spontaneous dipole moments are not rare at all. Figure 1 is actually a good example. Then the paradox is that the real systems are finite anyway, how come they are not normally FE?

The answer has to do with the imperfectness of the real system. One can see in Fig. 1, the direction of the dipole moment depends on the type of the atoms on the surface, which is random for a real system. For example, we don't normally have a NaCl sample that has a surface only with Na atoms and the opposite surface with only Cl atoms. This randomness will eventually cancel out these "spontaneous dipole moments", making the total dipole moment of the sample negligibly zero.

Figure 2
2) The system shown in Fig. 2 is trully FE.

For this system in panel A, the dipole moment is p=Nqa. But if the surface atoms change to panel B, the dipole moment is p=-Nqb. Therefore the randomness of the surface can not cancel the dipole moment, which on average is p=Nq(a-b). This is why the system is FE.

3) To summarize the cases we discussed above, to determine if a system is FE. We have to test if the system (infinite) is central-symmetric. In other words, whether you can find an unit cell that has an inversion symmetry. For the system in Fig. 1, it is central symmetric. But for system in Fig. 2, it is not. That's why it is FE.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Low frequency dielectric constant

Starting from Lorentz model:


which is the equation of motion for a bond electric charge q with mass m in an oscillating field E, where ω0 is the frequency of the Harmonic potential of the charge and Γ is the dampling parameter.

Take the oscillating form of x and E:

e-iωt and

one get the solution:


The the dielectric constant will be (notice that P=xq):


For a low frequency measurement ω0>>ω,which is valid for normal dielectric measurement because the lowest ω0 is normally at the 1012 Hz range.

In this case, we can ignore the high order term ω2,


Imaginary part:

The imaginary part is


Experimentally, a maximum is always observed for the temperature dependence of ε2, here we can calculate the maximum by solving


Note that the only temperature dependent parameter is Γ.

Then one gets:

Γ=ω02/ω at dε2/dT=0.

Now let's look at the parameter Γ. It is a dampling parameter, which should be proportional to relaxation time τ, which satisfies the Arhenious relation:


where Ea is activation energy (or energy barrier to overcome the).

We can even define:



τ0eEa/(kBT)=1/ω should give us the temprature where the maximum ε2 is, which is


Experimentally, fitting the the relation between Tmax and ω, one gets the activation energy Ea, which is what most paper shows.

Real part:

The real part dielectric constant is


One can see that it increases monotonic with temperature simply because of the temperature dependence of Γ.

Derivation of optical conductivity σ:

Noticing that E=D-P= ε0(εE-P), one gets

ε0(ε-1)E (1)

The electric current density (considering

ωε0(ε-1)E (2)

Compare (2) with the Ohm's law:

σE (3),

one gets:

σ=-iωε0(ε-1)=ωε0ε2-iωε01-1), therefore

σ1ε0ε2 and

Friday, August 29, 2008

Derivation of absorption coefficient α.

Starting from Maxwell equations:
×H=D/∂t (1)

To get a solution of EM wave, one need to use

μμ0H and D=εε0E and plug into the last two equations of (1).

Then we have:

2E+μμ0εε02E/∂t2=0, the solution is

E=E0e-i(ωt+qr) (2)

ω is the frequency and q is the wave vector and


Note that normally
μ=1 for non-magnetic material (or even for magnetic material at high frequency) and μ0ε0=1/c2.


q=ω/c√ε (3).

Plug (3) into (2) and using the definition
√ε=n+ik for imaginary dielectric constant (whee n is the refractive index and k is the extinction coefficient), one gets:

E=E0e-iω(t+√εr/c)=E0e-iω[t-(n+ik)r/c]=E0e-iω[t-(n+ik)r/c]e-ωkr/c (4).

One can see that the electric field decays if there is an imaginary part of the dielectric constant.

By the definition of

E2=E02e-αr, we get


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Parity and spin forbidden optical excitations

In optical excitation, we are normally looking at the transition matrix element:

MijE=<φi|exE|φf>, where φi and φj are the wave functions of the initial and final states, E is the electric field.

Following observations are important concerning the MijE.

  • MijE vanishes for a lattice structure with inversion symmetry. In this case the excitation is called parity forbidden excitation.
  • The operator exE does not involve spin degree of freedom. So in order to have non-zero, the spin of φi and φj has to be the same. If the initial and final states have different spin, the excitation is called spin forbidden excitation.

How come we do see the "forbidden" excitation? Here are what happens in real material to circumvent the forbiddenness.

Parity forbideness
Spin forbideness
Single site
  • Existence of phonon reduces the symmetry
  • magnetic dipole excitation MijM=<φi|μB|φf>

spin-orbit coupling

Exciton + magnon

Exciton + Exciton

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why magnetic dipole transition intens...

Why magnetic dipole transition intensity is so low in absorption spectra compared to the electric dipole transition.

In optical process, both electric and magnetic dipole moment respond to the EM wave, causing additional energy


where HE=pE and HM=μB.

One can estimate the order of the magnitude difference by taking the ratio:


In EM wave, one has E/B=C/n, where C is the speed of light, and n is the refractive index.

For charge transfer optical process, it is reasonable to assume that p~eA=1.6e-19×1e-10 =1.6e-29Cm.

For magnetic dipole moment
μ, Bohr magneton is always a good estimation for the order of magnitude.

Therefore, the ratio between the typical oscillator strength of electric charge transfer and magnetic dipole excitation is:

~(1.6 e-29*3e8/9.24e-24/n)2=(5.2×102/n)2 >> 1

This is the reason that the magnetic dipole transition is normally not intense.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Transition temperature, magnon frequency
ω and exchange interaction J

Ferromagnetic material
Curie Temperature
Exchange interaction
J (meV)
Magnon frequency
Magnetization (M) and susceptibility (χ)

Mean field theory:


Z is the number of nearest neighbor, δ is the nearest neighbor vector.

Maximum: (k=

For 1 D system,
maximum value will be
Bloch theorem

Mean field theory:
69.1 (K)

0.5 meV (k=0.2 A)
3.2 meV (k=0.6 A)
4.6 meV (k=0.8 A)
5.5 meV (k=1.0 A)


TM (K)
TN (K)
Weak FM
Spin orientation
Exchange interaction
Magnon frequency
Magnetization (M) and susceptibility (χ)

The relation between TN and J is missing, I could not find it anywhere.


Taking into account of anisotropy and external field
ħωk = 2ZJS{(1+gμBBA/(2ZSJ))-γk2} ± gμBB

At zero external field, we can get finite ħωk even for k=0  because of anisotropy.
ħωmin = 2ZJS√{gμBBA/(2ZSJ)(1+gμBBA/(4ZSJ))}

If we apply an external field, we can get spin flop when the mode of one branch of the spin wave goes to zero (instability)

In the case that anisotropy is much smaller than J, in other words:
we get
ħωmax=2ZJS,   k=π/(2a)
ħωmin = √{gμBBA*(2ZSJ)

Mean field theory:

67.4 K

ħωmax=54.8 cm-1


ħωmax=50.4 cm-1

because of anisotropy
ħωmin=8.715 cm-1

μBBA = 0.737 cm-1
then we can calculate (using the first order):
ħωmin=√{gμBBA*ħωmax}=8.99 cm-1

Rhombohedra (distorted perovskite)

640 K

supposably weakly ferromagnetic below TN

ħωmax=445 (assuming kBTN=ħωmax)
ħωmin= 18.2 cm-1

We can estimate the anisotropy energy:
μBBA = ωmin)2/(għωmax) = 0.372 cm-1, corresponding to BA=0.8 T, which does not look right. In any case, there is no real data on ħωmax., if we can succesfully get the spin flop, then we probably can get ħωmax.

Fe2O3 Hematite
Rhombohedra (corundum)260 K
950 K

weakly ferromagnetic between TN and TM[111]c below TM
[111]c between TM and TN

Rhombohedra (corundum)
312 K

94 K
ħωmax=600 K
cubic perovskite

82 K

J1=3.4 K
ħωmax=100 K
(Windsor CG and Stevenson RWH, Proc.Phys. Soc. 87, 501)
ħωmin ~ 0

KMnF3cubic perovskite
